Theatre director and writer
Im Walde von Toulouse 2019 (writer, director and concept -Operetta for and with children)
Ideals of Equality 2018 (director and concept - large brown paper puppet devised performance with teenagers)
The Many Face of Freedom 2017 (director - devised Commedia dell' Arte with young adults)
Der Zeitmaschine 2017 (writer and director - Commedia dell’Arte film with children)
Uncle Fred's Garden 2017 (writer and director - shadow puppet film with children)
Market Farces 2015 (co-writer & co-director -commedia dell’ arte with children)
A Christmas Carol 2014 (adapted and directed - a musical with children)
The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty 2014 (translated, adapted and directed - classical theatre with children)
Schumann Masked 2014 (director - devised masked theatre with children)
Catastrophe Hotel 2012 (co-writer and director - a musical with children)
Sam's Dream 2009 (co-writer and director - shadow puppet theatre for children),
The Who's 'Tommy' 2007 (co-director- musical with teenagers)
Sarah Kane's '4.48Psychosis' 2005 (adapted and directed for & withTU Delft's student drama class)